Saturday, 17 December 2016

Kitchen as per Vastushastra

While designing a house as per Vastushastra , the kitchen should be invariably located in South East (Aagneya) and the master bedroom should be planned in South West direction.  Kitchen is the main place of activity of the female members in the family.  Hence it is essential that the design and atmosphere in the kitchen should be conducive for the physical and mental well being of the female members.

A kitchen should have window in the East and the gas stove should be so located that the housewife faces East direction while cooking.  The morning Sun rays contribute to health and hygiene of the kitchen. Consequently, the atmosphere in the kitchen is pleasant and blissful. Creation of such a pleasant atmosphere, for a person using the same place for a prolonged period of time, will result in enhanced productivity and suitable mind-body synchronization.According to medical science, the health of the liver indicates  the health of the body.  If the kitchen is located in South West (Nairutya) instead of South East (Aagneya) it is indicative of heavy financial loss.  It may also result in wastage of cooked food and mental unhappiness of the housewife.

A kitchen located in North West (Vayavya) direction can cause increased quarrels amongst the family members  and envy from people close to the family.  If the kitchen is in the North East direction, it can cause an adverse effect on health, academic progress of children and family income.  Similarly, if the kitchen is in the South East, the housewife is happy and content.  Otherwise, it can lead to lack of health of the housewife and consequent disruption of all the activities of the house.  Location of the kitchen in South East will therefore be a boon to the entire family and the housewife in particular.


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